Thursday, November 18, 2010

Keep followers when switching from Blogger to Self Hosted Wordpress

As a lot of you know I recently switched from blogger to wordpress. Today I will present a guide on how to do the switch AND keep your followers.

So you’ve made the switch to wordpress but wanna keep your followers.

This post assumes you’ve imported your feed and set up your domain on Wordpress.

Re-directing Feed

Burn your feed to feedburner.

Go to the settings page on your blogger dashboard.

Then click on the site feed tab.

You’ll be presented with a page that looks like this:

Make sure the 1st three options say full.

Then put your feedburner address in the option that says Post Feed Redirect URL.

Now you’ve successfully redirected your feed.

Re-directing Visitors

Now go the templates tab via your blogger dashboard.

Make sure your set to the minima template.

Then click on edit feed.

Replace all the text in the box with the following:



<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">


window.location.replace("http://your url/");




<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="10; URL=http://your url/"/>

<meta http-equiv="expires" content="10"/>

<meta content="301 moved permanently"/>




<title>301 moved permanently</title>




<h1>name of your blog</h1>

<p>has been moved to new address</p>

<a href=" http://your blog"> <h1>http://your blog</h1></a>

<p>Sorry for inconvenience... </p>




Make sure to replace the words ‘your blog’ with your wordpress blog url. Also replace ‘name of your blog’ with your blog name (obviously) lol xx

This will ensure your visitors are auto re-directed to your new wordpress blog.

Google Friend Connect

Now we need to add your new url to friendconnect.

Go to

Log in.

On the left hand side click on gadgets.

Then choose members.

Scroll down to the bottom and click on generate code.

Copy this code and paste it to your clipboard.

Log into your wordpress dashboard.

Under appearance on the left hand side of the page.

Click on widgets.

Find the one titled text and click on add.

In the big box underneath the ‘title’ box paste the code you copied earlier.

Choose the location for the GFC gadget under the box you put the code in.

Then click on save widget.

Redirecting wordpress Feed

The last step is to re-direct your wordpress feed.

Go to plugins – add new.

Search for a plugin titled feedburner configuration.

Install it.

Then activate it.

Find the plugin under the plugins section on the left hand side of your dashboard.

Click on feedburner configuration.

Under redirect feeds here – Fill in with your feedburner address and click save.

There you have it. After you’ve done all this next time you post all your followers should find the post in their google reader or on their blogger dashboard.

If you have any questions or problems just ask!


  1. I've always used wordpress but this is cool to know for anyone still using blogger who makes the switch.

  2. yea i just chronicled all the step i used when i made the switch :)

  3. I started totally again with a new GFC...does this method mean you keep the old ones even with a totally diff url then? I'm a bit of a mug in that case :/ I had 100 and now only 31.

    I can still redirect visitors though...and since I still get as many visits a day to the old one as the new one..I'd better get onto this pronto!


i love comments i check out all your blogs :)