Sunday, July 25, 2010

Circle lenses!!

Hey guys thought i would do a detailed guide to circle lenses for you lot.
including caring for them and inserting them.

A circle lens is a special contact lens that makes the eye's iris appear larger; this product was originally invented in South Korea. The contact lenses are generally used to give a larger doll like appearance to the eyes.
Circle contacts have the colour covering a majority of the contact, causing the colour to go beyond the iris thus, the appearance of a larger iris. It comes in a variety of colours, and effects. The diameter of the lens is on average 14 mm (more than 2 mm longer than the average iris diameter) but you can also get 14.8mm ones. The lenses themselves range from natural-looking colours to special manga type effects.
The lenses are popular among Asian teenagers and adults. The lenses create an illusion of doll-like, large eyes. Many people consider circle lenses as a fashion accessory rather than medical devices. They are used to create a look of anime characters. They are also used to create the Ulzzang look, which is characterized by large eyes, small noses and fair skin.
As of 2009, circle contact lenses are almost exclusively used in East Asian nations such as South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong and at the present time are not well-known to the general public in other nations. Circle contact lenses were originally used solely by Korean celebrities before sold as a product available to the general population in East Asian nations. Now, they are also commonly used by other East Asian celebrities such as Angela Chang and Ayumi Hamasaki who are known for their wide-eyed doll-like image.
In Asia, circle lenses can be bought in stores. They can be purchased without a prescription. Currently this product is not yet sold in store shelves in western nations and can only be purchased online. Due to recent endorsements by celebrities, circle contact lenses are rising in popularity on Asian internet forums and shopper's blogs dedicated to beauty and cosmetics.
Contact lens tutorial

How to Open Vial Bottle

This photo clearly show you the correct way to open your new colour lens bottle.
Instruction for Use

Never wear lenses longer than 8 hours
Do not use the lens if the sterile package has been opened or the tamper evident seal is damaged.
Preparing for Insertion
Cleanliness is the most important aspect of proper contact lens care. Establish a routine of good hygiene for handling your lenses.
Always wash your hands thoroughly with a mild soap, rinse carefully and dry before touching your lenses.
Do not use oily cosmetics, soap contain cold cream, lotions or creams before handling your lenses.  It is best to insert your lenses before putting on makeup.
Keep your eyes closed when using hairspray or other aerosols. Seek professional advice about wearing lenses during sporting activities.
Always follow the instructions in this leaflet and any advice given to you by your Eye Care Practitioner for the correct handling, insertion, removal, cleaning, disinfecting, storing, and use of your lenses.
Insertion of Color Lens
To avoid mix-ups, develop the habit of always inserting the first lens in your right eye. Before inserting the lens, check to see it is free of any nicks or tears. If it appears damaged, throw it away. Check the lens has not turned inside out. Place the lens on the tip of your forefinger and hold above eye level; you are looking at the bowl of the lens from the outside.
Remember to start with your right eye. Once the lens has been examined and you are sure it is not inside out, place it on the tip of your forefinger.
Place the middle finger of the same hand close to your lower eyelashes and pull down the lower lid.
Use the forefinger or middle finger of the other hand to lift the upper lid and place the lens on the eye.
Gently release both lids and blink.
Repeat these steps for the left lens.
There are other methods of lens placement. If the above method is difficult for you, your Eye Care Practitioner can provide an alternative.
Usually, the lens centers itself automatically on the middle of your eye when you insert it and will very rarely be displaced on to the white of your eye during wear.
However, this can occur if insertion and removal are not performed properly. To center a lens, follow either of these methods.
Close your eyelids and gently massage the lens into place through the close lid.
Or, gently manipulate the off-centered lens onto the middle of your eye while the eye is opened using finger pressure on the edge of the upper or lower lid.
If your vision is blurred after inserting the lens, check for the following:
Cosmetics or oils on the lens, remove it and wear again
The lens may be on the wrong eye
The lens may be inside out, which also make it less comfortable than normal
The lens may not be centered on the eye. Check the instruction above.
If the lens is in the correct position, remove it and look for the following:
Inserting the color lens, key points to remember:
GENTLY placing the lens on the eye will work. It does not get pressed, shoved, or pushed on.
Keep your eyes wide open; a lens cannot go on through your lids.
Have the lens completely balanced with all edges off your finger. If the lens gets knocked over, it will not easily release from your finger. 
Removal of Color Lens
Always remove the same lens first.
Wash, rinse and dry your hands thoroughly. Always ensure that the lens is on the middle of your eye before attempting to remove it. If your eye feels really dry, insert a couple of rewetting drops to lubricate your lens before trying to take it out. To locate the lens, inspect the upper area of the eye by looking down into a mirror while pulling the upper lid up. Then inspect the lower area by pulling the lower lid down.
Once you have found the lens, you can remove it by using the Pinch Method introduced below or any other method recommended by your Eye Care Practitioner.
Look up; slide the lens down to the white of your eye using your forefinger.
Gently pinch the lens between your thumb and forefinger and remove the lens.

Caring for Color Lens and Lens Case
For the continued safe and comfortable use of your lenses, it is important to follow the instructions given to you by your circle lens vendor.
Failure to follow the correct lens care regime may result in the development of serious eye problems.
Cleaning and rising are essential to remove mucus, secretions, and deposits which may have accumulated during use. Do this immediately after removing your lenses and prior to disinfection. Harmful germs can only be removed by cleaning, rising and disinfecting.
Use fresh, unexpired lens care solutions.
Never use solutions recommended for conventional hard lenses only.
Never put your lenses in your mouth or use anything other than the recommended solutions for lubricating or wetting your lenses.
Never rinse them in tap water, since this can contain many impurities that can contaminate or damage your lenses and may lead to eye infection or injury.
Put each lens into the correct chamber of the lens storage system and make sure they are completely immersed in the storage solution when they are being worn. If lenses left out for long periods, they may dry out and become brittle.
Seek the advice of your Eye Care Practitioner if your lenses are to be stored for extended periods.
Since lens cases can be a source of bacteria, after use they should be emptied, cleaned, and rinsed with recommended sterile solutions and allowed to air dry.
Your lens case should also be replaced regularly, as advised by the lens case manufacturer or your Eye Care Practitioner.
Never use tap water to rinse your lens case.
Safety Check
You should remove your lens immediately if you experience any of the following problems:
Itching, burning or stinging of the eye
A feeling of something in your eye
Excessive watering, unusual eye secretions or redness
Blurred vision, rainbows or holes around objects. Dry eye may occur if your lenses are worn continuously or for too long.
The lens feels less comfortable than it did when it was first inserted.
If the discomfort or problem stops when you are take out the lens, you should examine it closely for damage, dirt or a foreign body.
If the problem continues, consult your optician immediately.
Any of the symptoms above can indicate a serious condition such as infection or corneal ulcer. Prompt diagnosis and treatment is essential to avoid serious damage to your eyes.
Remember that symptoms are warning signs. If in doubt, take them out.
When wearing Colour Contact Lenses, you may notice temporary differences in your vision due to the presence of the colour in your lenses, especially in conditions of low light, if these differences in vision persist, it is important  that you consult your Eye Care Practitioner.
Never allow anyone else to wear your lenses. They have been prescribed to fit your eyes and to correct your vision to the degree necessary. Sharing lenses greatly increases the chances of eye infections.
When the replacement period prescribed by your Eye Care Practitioner is over, your lenses should be discarded and replaced with a new sterile pair.
Hope that helps holls!


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